Nidhan Singh Panj Hatha

The life of ‘Nidhan Singh Panj Hatha’ was spent in wars during the Khalsa rule. Although Nidhan Singh Ji was of simple stature but the series of battles proved that there was not even 4 inches of space left on his body where there was no injury. There are many wars in history which show the major role of Nidhan Singh ji in winning them.

Nidhan Singh Panj Hatha also played the role of bodyguard of ‘Maharaja Ranjit Singh‘ for a long time. It is said that when Maharaja Ranjit Singh used to visit a foreign ruler, Nidhan Singh also used to go along with him. Once an officer of the East India Company, after meeting Maharaja Ranjit Singh at the Lahore Darbar, looked at Nidhan Singh and questioned Ranjit Singh that what is special in this man? He does not have five hands that you named Panj Hatha? Maharaja Ranjit Singh replied with a smile, ‘Sir, thank to God that you did not get a chance to see their five hands in the battlefield.’ Who once saw Nidhan Singh’s five arms moving in the battle field, was left to see nothing else

An incident is coming from the ‘War of Nashera’ in 1823 that the battle fought by Maharaja Ranjit Singh with ‘Afgans’. At one time, Maharaja Ranjit Singh came far ahead of the Khalsa army while killing the Afghans. Commander of Afghan army sees Maharaja Ranjit Singh alone and sends his top 5 swordsmen to kill Ranjit Singh. By the way, Maharaja Ranjit Singh could have fought them. But, he was exhausted from fighting the battle since morning. While fighting, a swordsman struck the horse on the hind leg and the horse jerked in pain. Because of this Maharaja Ranjit Singh fell to the ground.

Falling off from the horse, Maharaja Ranjit Singh got many injuries. A swordsman attacked powerfully and Ranjit Singh was tried to rescue himself with the shield. But, the attack was so strong that the shield fell down from his hand. All the five swordsmen attacked on Ranjit Singh together. It seemed that the largest and most powerful Khalsa state in Asia would now come to an end. But at the same time, Nidhan Singh, tearing the Afghan army, reached there and stand between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Afghans.

Nidhan Singh fought so fast that it became difficult to compete with the five Afghan swordsmen. In a short time, Nidhan Singh killed all five Afghan swordsmen one by one. He then collected the five swords and presented them at the feet of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The Maharaja Ranjit Singh was impressed by Nidhan Singh’s bravery and took Nidhan Singh in his arms with a smile. After killing the top 5 Afghan swordsmen, the Maharaja said,’ ਇਹ ਤਾਂ ਮੇਰਾ ਪੰਜ ਹੱਥਾ ਸਰਦਾਰ ਹੈ’(This is my Singh with five hands). From that day on, this warrior came to be known as ‘Nidhan Singh Panj Hatha’. After this Bhai Sahib’s name Nidhan Singh Panj Hatha is also found in the official papers of ‘Lahore Darbar’.

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