Historical artifacts found around Shri Darbar Sahib Amritsar

In this post we are talking about the Historical artifacts found around Shri Darbar Sahib Amritsar

In the last few days, a very shocking incident has come across with the heritage and history of Sikhism. In last days, excavation was going on at the side of Khichri Langar at ‘Shri Darbar Sahib Amritsar’. During the excavation, a strange thing happened. While digging, they found it from below, some people call it an ancient ‘Bunge’(ਬੁੰਗੇ), some people call it an ancient building, or many people call it a tunnel. Its videos and photos are rapidly going viral on social media.

'Historical Artisect in Amritsar 1' Recently Historical Artisect found in Amritsar
Recently a Historical Artisect in Amritsar found near Darbar Sahib.

Now a lot of questions come to the mind of the ‘Sangat’ here, For example, when these ancient buildings, ‘Bunge’ (ਬੁੰਗੇ) or tunnel was Built? Under the supervision of which Guru? That they will be even before the time of Guru Sahibs? Why haven’t they come out yet? What will be inside it? If this is a tunnel, where would this tunnel go on the other side? Did the officials already know about this building? And there will be many more questions in the minds of the Sangat.

There will be a lot of questions coming to everyone’s mind. Now we don’t know how old this building will be, to which Guru will this building belong? If it is even older than that, to which state will it belong? It is a historic building for all of us. It is the duty of all of us to welcome and preserve such historic buildings, objects, and discoveries.

Now only after all the research of historians, researchers can know that what is its background? This building belongs from which time? At the same time, it is the duty of the office bearers and the government to try to preserve such historic, ancient buildings. So that history and historical sources can be preserved for future generations so that they can be connected with their heritage and history. And don’t forget your roots.

Historical artifacts found around Shri Darbar Sahib Amritsar

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